• SEYH Conference

ESP Projects has had a long association with SEYH (Social Enterprise Yorkshire and Humber).  As one of the first social enterprises, we have never forgotten the community values which we believe should have a place in every successful business.   Just as we continue to work by those principles, so we also believe it is important to support SEYH as the leading advocate of Social Enterprise in our region.  ESP Projects provide IT support and web services to SEYH, and for a number of years now we have been a sponsor of the annual SEYH awards.

It was a real pleasure to give Tony Gledhill the SEYH Social Entrepreneur of the Year award last November.


Tony is Company Secretary of a social enterprise which rose from the ravages of funding cuts to Remploy.  Remploy was a group of factories, subsidised by Government funding, which gave employment to disabled people. When the Government withdrew funding the workforces of the Leeds and Pontefract Remploy factories re-formed as Enabled Works Ltd.  The company is a workers co-operative and social enterprise undertaking packing, distribution, electrical and mechanical assembly.  http://enabledworks.co.uk/

Tony Gledhill will be speaking at the SEYH Conference and AGM which takes places this Friday 29th January at the Octagon Centre in Hull.   Pete McGurn, Goodwin Development Trust Chief Executive will also be speaking, as will Philip Bartey of Autism Plus.  ESP Projects will also be there and will have a stall, so if you can make it please come along and say hello!

For the full agenda and more details about the conference see here:  http://www.seyh.org.uk