What is the #ESPDuck all about?
What is the #ESPDuck all about?
Firstly, what is the ESPDuck and where did it come from? Well, we decided that we should have a pet, here at ESP Headquarters. Unfortunately, we’re always very busy delivering best in class IT Services to businesses in and around the Sheffield area to be able to look after a real-life one properly. So, we decided that we should pick one that is a little more simple in the effort stakes (no need to feed or walk!).
Between us, we came up with the idea that an ESP Duck would be both easy to look after, AND it would be a part of the team that we could take with us, wherever in the world we decided to go. And so the #espduck was born. The ESP Duck REALLY, REALLY loves to travel!
Her name is Missy Duck and she’s been with us for 4 years now.

Why did you send me one?
It’s quite straightforward really. The ESP Duck has given us a lot of joy to our staff already and it continues to do so. We thought that we would share the joy with other businesses that we care about. So either you’ve received a duck because you already work with Sheffield’s best IT Support Provider OR because you are on our list of Dream Customers that we would really love to work with in the future.
What should I do with my Duck?
Well, we would really love it if you could take care of your Duck in much the same way that we have – by taking her travelling with you, to all corners of the World. Some people decide to give the Duck to a child and children all over the world now have a Duck, just like you. Perhaps you could take your Duck with you to a new country. Take some photos of her and then give her to a local child, who will continue to enjoy her in the new country. We aim to have a Duck in every country AND to have the photographs to prove it! Tweet them to us via https://twitter.com/espprojects or contact us via Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/espprojects and LinkedIn here ESP Linked IN .
What else do you want from me?
We are an IT Business, with a focus on the Sheffield area (but we do deliver services across the UK). We’d really love it if you would give us a little bit of your time to tell us about your business and how we might work together to provide you with IT Services. Feel free to have a browse around our site to find out more about what we do. Our bread and butter (although the ESP Duck hates butter) is our IT Support Contracts, which you can find out more about here IT Support Sheffield.
We also have some other sites, here https://electronicsecurityprotection.co.uk/ focussing on IT Infrastructure and Security Products for businesses and here https://core-software.co.uk/ where we have a really cool customisable software tool that can help to manage data in EVERY business.
Please do reach out to us via our Contact Us page here https://espprojects.co.uk/contact-us/
NEW FOR 2024 – Track Missy Ducks Travels!
As part of our previous Campaigns we have asked you to take Missy Duck away on your Travels with you, and you have done just that! Over the last 2 years she has been particularly active during Holiday season, so lets see just how far she has travelled! Check out the map below!
Want to take part this year simply drop us an email to marketing@espprojects.co.uk if you don’t have a Missy Duck already and we can post you one, if you have one already, take her away lets see how far she can travel away from Sheffield and send us your pics not forgetting to post them social media and Tag #ESPDuck and #espprojcts.
Tap Map to Interact
#ESPDuck Picture Gallery