New GDPR Helpline Launched

      • New GDPR Helpline Launched

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      • Ian Barwick

      Last week, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) announced that it had launched a dedicated

      • Why Invest in an SSL Certificate

        • 26
      • Ian Barwick

      Over the past year, many organisations have been pushing harder than ever before towards a secure web with the use of an SSL Certificate. Google announced their plans of ‘Moving towards a more secure web‘ back in September 2016. Starting with the release of Chrome 56 that was rolled out late last week, users will start to see a “Not secure” message in their address bar when visiting a login or payment page which doesn’t use the secure HTTPS protocol.

      • 5 Tips for Choosing a Web Host

        • 26
      • Ian Barwick

      1. Trust & Security

      Web hosting is all about trust in your provider. Can you trust them, not just with your data but with your client’s data also?

      Security is important for everyone but it is vital for sites that deal in credit card transactions or collect confidential customer data. The technical challenge of providing a secure hosting environment is a tough one and reputable providers devote a lot of time and effort to securing their systems and keeping them secure against an ever-changing threat environment.